
Requirements for testing

Morse Talk uses the Python nose testing package. If you don’t already have that package installed, follow the directions here http://somethingaboutorange.com/mrl/projects/nose

Testing a source distribution

You can test the complete package from the unpacked source directory with:

python setup_egg.py nosetests

Testing an installed package

If you have a file-based (not a Python egg) installation you can test the installed package with

>>> import morse_talk
>>> morse_talk.test()


python -c "import morse_talk; morse_talk.test()"

Testing for developers

You can test any or all of Morse Talk by using the “nosetests” test runner.

First make sure the Morse Talk version you want to test is in your PYTHONPATH (either installed or pointing to your unpacked source directory).

Then you can run individual test files with:

nosetests path/to/file

or all tests found in dir and an directories contained in dir:

nosetests path/to/dir